Sudhir Hasamnis: A Wildlife Photographer in Search of Nature’s Magic

Sudhir Hasamnis

Asia Book and India Book of Records Holder | Wildlife photographer | Mentoring | Management Consultant & Trainer | Author | Blogger | Influencer

Sudhir Hasamnis is a Wildlife photographer and Asia Book & India Book of Records Holder who started Bird Photography after getting a Heart Attack in 2012. This is his 6th year of non-stop posting being on the verge of a world record of 2000 posts without break. 

So, why not get an influence of his creativity inspired from his struggles as we discussed with him about his journey as a wildlife photographer. Let us get to know more about him & his love for birds, as he advises some tips for budding wildlife photographers.


How you started wildlife photography?

I started bird photography after my heart attack in 2012. I was double stented and was not allowed to go out of home, so I started doing it from my windows. At that time I had no clues about bird names. I bought a book ‘Birds of Indian Sub Continent’ written by M/s Inskipp and Grimmett and started studying.





How did you learn about photography?

In Nov 2015, I attended a 2-day course conducted by Sudhir Shivaram at Pune. That was a real inspiration to me. Immediately I visited Kochi for bird photography and then went to Tanzania with Sudhir Shivaram. That was a turning point for me, then came to self-learning on-field and reading books.





What is the significance of wildlife to you?

Basically, I do wildlife photography for my happiness and stress-busting. I do not earn from it. I do free training and consultation for people who get in touch with me. While Wildlife photography is a genre of photography related to documentation of various forms of wildlife in their natural habitat, Wildlife photography to me is nature, landscapes, mountain ranges, birds, mammals, and also the man-wild conflict. I try to capture all these when I am on the field.




What did you capture in your initial days?

My photography started in full swing when I took a self-challenge on 1st Jan 2016. I decided to post one image every day on Facebook for one year without break. I still remember that the first species I captured was European Roller and then came to know about its migration. That was my first post for the self-challenge. By the way, this my 6th year of non-stop posting and I am on the verge of a world record of 2000 posts without break.





What was your first camera & gear, & what do you use now?

I started with Sony 10X Zoom, which was borrowed from my niece. I bought Canon 600D with 2 kit lenses – 18-55mm and 55-250mm. Now I have Canon 6D and Canon 7D Mark II, Canon 300f4, and Canon 100-400 ISII.




How many trips do you take in a year?

Normally I do at least 3 to 4 trips every year, including one abroad. Only one in last year, then pandemic started. That was to Costa Rica in Jan 2020. This year as of now one in Feb 2021.





Any favorite wildlife sanctuary or place?

My dream destination was Costa Rica. I had seen images coming from Costa Rica and I had decided that I will make it someday. I had planned it for Jan 2019 but got postponed to Jan 2020. I would love to visit it again. Amazing place and habitat. Lots of birds yet to capture.





What will you advise the young budding photographers?

Understanding your gears well. Most important is – Study the place you are visiting, See YouTube Clips, Search the Internet, Refer to books, Look at Facebook and Instagram for the images, study those images, then you will come to know what will be the background available, what birds, type of terrains, weather and habitats are there, Keep your Camera and lenses ready all the time, Plan your shots in advance, Take test shots once you are in the field.


So, here we will be concluding Sudhir Hasamnis’ story of being a wildlife photographer. We are thankful to him for sharing his story with all of us which will be of great help to all the young photographers in our country to keep their motivation high.

26 thoughts on “Sudhir Hasamnis: A Wildlife Photographer in Search of Nature’s Magic”

  1. Dear Sudhir Sir,
    Your all photographs of birds always inspiring me. I learned lot of things from your birds collection. I would like to see action photos of birds in your photo gallery. This will definitely help us.

    Ganesh Dhumal
    TML Pune plant.

  2. Preeti Sachin Sonje

    You are a true inspiration to all of us in birding and wildlife photography…..

    Hats off to your dedication Sir…

    I am sure you will keep setting new records every year…

    Wishing you all the very best Sir….

  3. Ayon Mukherjee

    I have known Sudhir sir as a Veteran Tata Motors. Most of my interaction has been Professional.
    I am overwhelmed to know that he has grown such a beautiful Hobby in his second innings. I sincere prayers that he keeps on his good work

  4. Great , admire tireless efforts and dedication of Dr Hasamnis . Congratulations on your stupendous achievements !

  5. Jaywant Karajgikar

    Great achievement! He has successfully converted a challenge to an opportunity! Wish him many more accolades 🌹

  6. Heartiest congratulations for this great achievement,( a dream of every wildlife photographer).
    Proud to be associated with you.

  7. Brilliant ..i love his passion for nature that reflects in his photography too..and he is an awesome person
    ..great interview

  8. Raghuvir Singh Sohal

    Dear Sudhir,

    You are really an inspiration for all of us that age is no bar, it your passion and dedication that matters. Having seen your bird photography journey very closely, inspired me also towards this field. I am so happy to see you achieving new milestones every year and pushing your boundaries to next level.

  9. Vilas Fulambrikar

    Dear Sudhir,
    This is really a challenging & patience dream you are experiencing & enjoying. My best wishes to you for ma y more such dreams.

  10. Sudhir hats off to your perseverance, consistency and dedication to achieve the landmark !! Your photos are absolutely amazing, keep inspiring us !!

  11. Dr Rajendra Bagalkot north Karnataka

    Extremely happy to know about your interest in photography inspite of health problems, I too started photography almost same time as you, proud of you and your work , you are inspiration to many of us , please take care of your health and be safe , with worm regards

  12. Dr Rohit Kumar

    Sudhir ji u have always inspired people to venture out , Great Sudhir to inspire everyone and particularly Cardiac patients what they can achieve and do post cardiac stenting.

  13. Sir, m Dhananjay k- FTA TATA motors requesting you to plan Vikarabad forest walk once to have bird photography.
    I wish will do it together and get some great learnings from u.
    Nice blog sir really inspiring

  14. Liladhar Patil

    Very nice and informative for beginners. One can follow the rules as advised by you and can manage nice photo shoot.

  15. Honest, excellent and insightful observations…. This is nothing else but result of dedication and perseverance.

  16. Dr. Prabhakar Renavikar

    Dr. Hasamnis,
    While I was in TML, I knew you as a man behind yearly issue of Telco Kalasagar. For last few years I have regularly following your Wild Life photography and beautiful pictures of various birds. However I didn’t know your great efforts in starting from scratch and reaching such great heights. Hats off to your dedication and unwavering pursuit of your dreams. Congratulations and all the best for further achievements!

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