10 Ways to Practice Ecotourism & Be an Eco-traveller

Ever wondered what kind of impact does traveling has on Mother Earth and the beings which inhabit it? We travel to explore nature and it can do wonders for our minds and enrich our lives, but it can also harm our beautiful earth. And that is why we have put together a list of things which you can practice while traveling.

We don\’t give it much thought when we travel, you might not think about the jet fuel is doing to the atmosphere when you are in a plane or don\’t give a second thought to where the straw in your glass is going once it is empty. 

We enjoy life all day, every day, and traveling to different continents or any business meeting in a nearby city, but don\’t give a thought how it is impacting our Mother Nature. 


10 Easy Ways to Practice Ecotourism & Be an Eco-traveller

Say NO to Plastic 

If you want to contribute to our global plastic problem, reduce your plastic consumption. Say NO to straws, plastic bottles, and plastic bags. Straws and plastic bottles are big NO-NO as they are incredibly disposable and fill up landfills like crazy. 



Take a Walk 

If you\’re exploring a new city or just want to go nearby neighborhood, instead of driving your car or motorcycle, why not walk? You\’ll not only save money but save unnecessary pollution as well, also good for health. 


You probably find out some amazing hidden cafe, or boutique, or nay hidden statue.


Slow Travelling 

Pollution is unavoidable with most means of transport, but if you have available time why not prefer a little slow traveling that will save up you money and will help the surrounding.


If you have an opportunity take trains over plains, take a motorcycle over the car, take cycle over a motorcycle, as you will be actually able to even see the surrounding in their natural form.


Think Before you Slather

Have you ever given a thought to what is there in our Sunscreens?  Sunscreens involve toxic chemicals like oxybenzone, octocrylene, homosalate which are extremely harmful to the ocean. Consider more natural sunscreen, made of zinc oxide or titanium oxide. You will protect your skin as well as decrease the impact on the environment. 



Public Transport & Car Sharing 

We all know that the lesser the number of cars, the lesser the pollution. That\’s why a great way to be an eco-friendly traveler is to reap the benefits of car sharing. Uber has started car-sharing services with other people as well.



Minimize the Food Consumption 

This includes passing on the more elaborative food for Instagram. I see so many people surrounded by colorful plated and pretty food, though realistically one or even two people can\’t scarf down what is in front of them. 



Support the Local Economy 

While you are traveling, support the local community, and the local economy. Instead of purchasing your souvenirs at a typical souvenir shop, buy them from small shops and local people around that area. Put your money into the local economy, this is essential ecotourism practice many travelers forget to implement. 



A Big NO to Wildlife Products

We face a lot of choices each day regarding the purchases we make not thinking about the wildlife behind that. There are so many people who sell colorful tortoiseshell accessories or bags with animal skin intricately designed. We need to resist ourselves to buy these products. This includes wildlife crime and destroys the populations of many animals. 



Support Organisation that Encourages Sustainability

Pick the Organization that supports sustainability whenever you are traveling. Some organization supports the local community by investing in them, hire local staff, and sources local supplies. 


Some companies go out of their way to reduce negative impacts on the environment and create conservation measures like practice RRR (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), plant trees, etc.


Do not Ride or Exploit Wildlife 

Similar to not approaching wildlife as they are meant to be wild, you should never exploit them. This means no swimming with dolphins or riding elephants. Animals are meant to live their separate lives from Humans, so don\’t exploit them in any way. 


Moreover, if you really don\’t want to exploit animals and wildlife, the best way you could opt for is to go VEGAN. In fact, Vegan travel is an essential part of sustainable tourism.

So, with these 10 ways to practice ecotourism, be a more green traveler. You can effortlessly start to reduce your carbon footprints on the environment and surroundings. 


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