Jungle Cat in India: Get to Know this Solitary Cat


Felis Chaus, or more commonly known as Reed Cat and Swamp Cat is native to the middle-eat, the Caucasus, South and Southeast Asia, and southern China. This medium-small cat species is the most common small cat found in India.


Their habitat includes temperate, tropical, and terrestrial regions. Their preferred habitats include savannas, tropical dry forests, reed beds, thick bush surrounding wetlands, littoral and riparian areas with dense vegetation, and riverside swamps. Jungle cats are considered to be solitary. They often live in other animals’ abandoned burrows, tree holes, and humid coves under swamp rocks.



Considered to be a carnivore, the Jungle cat is also partially omnivore as the cat eats fruits too. The main diet of Jungle Cats consists of rodents, lizards, snakes, frogs, birds, hare, fish, insects, livestock. The cat can also be seen feeding on small mammals such as gerbils.

As the cat is active during the day and the night, they can be seen hiding in abandoned burrows of other carnivores or even somewhere in the human settlements.



Jungle cats’ vocal communications consist of meowing, chirping, purring, gurgling, growling, hissing, and barking. The bark of these diurnal male cats, during the mating season, sounds like that of a large dog.



The life expectancy of these cats is estimated to be between ten to fifteen years. Their weight may vary from 4 kg to 16 kg.


Conservation status

The major threats that these cats face are habitat loss due to the increasing human population and urbanization. Although widespread in various parts of the world, the other parts of the world are witnessing a sharp decline in their population.


Trapping, snaring, and poisoning the cats are a major reason for the decrease in their population. These species could be considered the rarest of small cats in Asia. Indian local tribesmen often identify these cats as a part of their wild meat diet. Jungle cats do not pose major harm to humans. Their attack is not considered to be fatal, though it may cause some cuts and infections that can be healed.


Where to find them?

From the Middle East to the Indian Subcontinent, Jungle Cats can be found in various countries. Their patchy population can be seen throughout tropical China and Southeast Asia. In India, these are the most common small wild cats. These are commonly found in Himalayan regions.



Some of the other countries where these cats can be found are Syria, Iran, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Turkmenistan, among many others.


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